We all know there are some bookish problems that are just so hard to solve.
And now I shall rehash all of the problems I've had ;)
Starting with none other than:
What shall I read next?
We all know the internal monologues that are had when you just can't pick your next read. You look at your shelves (or your online collection) and sit and ponder what you are ready for after your next read. I probably look at my bookshelves more than I actually spend time reading books. Moving on..
When a book arrives on your doorstep damaged!
*Gasps* THE HORROR. The absolute terror of finding a bent, smushed, torn or overall defective book in an delivery box. It is also terrible because you anticipate it arriving on your doorstep and it is like another crack in your reader heart (which is already damaged enough by heart wrenching books) or in the spine of said book.
Sorry I had to do it.
When you see one of your bookish friends rate one of your favorites 3 or less stars.
What a terrible time. Here is the timeline of this event:
You see that they are reading said book.
You get excited because they are reading it.
They start to dislike it and you start slightly panicking.
They rate it 2 stars and roast it in a review.
You read the review because you are supportive but die on the inside.
I should really stop reading hate reviews for my favorite books....
When you read a hate review of your favorite book.
Hmmm, I wonder why I listed this? Oh, because I keep reading hate reviews to see what they actually dislike about my favorite books. I read the reviews hating on my favorite books and get immensely sad. At this point it's me I guess?
When you dislike the sequel to a book you loved.
*Ahem* Majesty by Katharine McGee is said to be guilty. You anticipate the sequel of a book you adored, basically watered at the mouth for, and your met with a steaming pile of garbage. It's like getting punched in the gut with a fist covered in spikes.
When you run out of shelf space.
Shelf inflicted? ahaha
But seriously a time of panic.
"Wait, why won't this book go in?" *Goes to slide the other books over and they don't budge. "Oh no.. oh no no no no"
When you want to read but you don't want to READ.
You make it known to yourself that you want to read that day, and you will make time for it, but instead scroll through various forms of social media. It is almost like you seek the effects of reading a book without putting in the effort of moving your eyes over printed ink.
We've basically done it to ourselves at this point.. I guess it is just the reader life ;)
Also, have I mentioned the cover picture for your post is ✨AMAZING✨
How is this so accurate-
I'm currently suffering from the 'When you want to read but you don't want to READ'
*goes to cry in the corner*