Well, well, well here I find myself writing another introduction post. You see, I had another blog, but due to technical issues (It showing my full name, being unable to respond to comments, it being a old version of Wix) I had to create another blog site. This time around I think that it will work out, and I am extremely excited to start my journey (again).
A little to know about me:
I love animals. Actually, I am really just obsessed with cats. I'm not a crazy cat lady, but they make me calm and happy so what more could I want?
Tea> coffee
This should've been first but, I love royal books. A LOT. Name a royal book and I will probably have it on my TBR. I have a royal book club on Goodreads and I am dedicated to fictional prince's.
I am so organized it is slightly psychotic and I am obsessed with the "perfect" bookshelves.
And, pertaining to blog posts: I either post extremely regularly or very spaced out. I am trying to get better at scheduling posts and actually using my ideas.
That is it for now, but I would LOVE if you would subscribe to my blog. It means a lot, and even if you don't read all of my posts I would still appreciate it :)
Oh and here is a close up of my logo because why not?

Oh fictional Prince's *swoon*
Also, love the logo💚